
Becoming informed is the first step to finding your way out of a destructive cult, and the path to helping your loved ones escape. 

For other sources of useful information, please check out the Exit Zone Projects index.

Online Venues for Help & Support

Websites to visit for former members and their families to seek help when leaving the Church of Scientology.
1-866-XSEAORG Help Line
Ex Scientologist Message Board
Ex-Scientology Kids Forums
The Scientology Forum
 Rick Ross Cult
Education Forums
:: escape ::
Refund and Reparation
Tory / Magoo and Scientology
Reaching For The Tipping Point
Suppressive Person
Defense League

Cult Education & Research

Where to find more cult awareness information and formal studies on the more controversial religious sects.
Cult Awareness & Info Centre (AU)
Ralph Nader Library ::  Scientology
Cult Information Centre (UK)
Stephen Kent | Scientology
Apologetics Index
Cult Avoidance Society
Doughney ::
Center of Religious Studies (RU)

Cult Exit Counseling & Recovery

Places to go for seeking clinical assistance, formal therapy or treatment after leaving a cult.
Wellspring Retreat
Odenwald Residence
Freedom of Mind Center
Cult Hotline and Clinic
The Ross Institute

Becoming Informed

Where to find additional materials for discovering the truth about the sordid history of abuses within the Church of Scientology.
SPTimes Special Reports
WWP Critical Book List
Hunt/Gomez Book List Library
OCMB Book List
Rick A. Ross Institute Archive
Solitary Trees: Other Publications
Exit Zone Cultic Mind Control List
CMU Secret Library of Scientology e-books & essays